IDIDARIDE XXXII is a bicycle challenge ride. It is NOT a race. It is an off-road endurance ride through woodlands along the Suwannee River. Approximately 50 miles of singletrack trails and woods roads have been linked to form a continuous route with minimum of pavement. This route has terrain, stream crossings, and distance to challenge all off road riders.
A video of the 2025 event is here and images here.
Checkpoints, Sag-stops, Bail-out Points: At several checkpoints along the route SBA will monitor progress of riders. Food, beverage and mechanical support will be available at these stations. Bail-out points are marked, if riders are unable to complete the entire ride.
Meals: Entry fee includes continental breakfast, mid-ride lunch and an after ride dinner as well as snacks at sag-stops.
Registration: Registration is Closed until November, 2025.
Staffing: A great event depends upon great volunteers. Whether you are new to the area or if you are a seasoned veteran, all help is welcomed! Ride marshals will ride the entire event, but must be SBA Members familiar with trails and must attend IDIDAPREP and IDIDACLEAN. Volunteering is a great way for non-riders or family members to participate in the fun.
IDIDARIDE is sponsored by the Suwannee Bicycle Association, a non profit organization promoting bicycling, environmental education and appreciation of the Suwannee region. All proceeds from the event are used to develop more off-road bicycle trails and other facilities.